Thank you for being here and considering a donation. Raising money for men’s causes is not easy. Society does not consider men’s issues a high priority. The US government cuts down on funding for men every year. The number of nonprofit organizations focused on addressing men’s challenges is fewer than almost any other cause. Educating society about men’s pain and hardship, and garnering sympathy and empathy is our priority. Society needs to realize that we should do more than point fingers at men and incarcerate them. Therefore, your donation to this cause is more crucial than any. When 80% of all suicide deaths are men with white men comprising almost 70%, and young indigenous boys and men following a close second and it’s not and has never been the front page news, It’s simply indicative that men’s mental health, overall health, and problems are not a priority.
Feminists for Men Inc. is a New York based 501c(3) tax except nonprofit organization, which means all your donations are tax deductible.
EIN 86-2785374

Those who volunteer for a cause that they are passionate about are amongst the most empathetic and compassionate people. Their super power is the ability to heal heart-to heart.
- Counseling male victims of sexual assault
- Counseling male victims of domestic violence
- Counseling fathers of transgender and nonbinary children
share your story
Share with us and the world any life story that you think can help benefit someone else to know that they are not alone. When you are ready to heal yourself and those who’ll identify with your story, grab your phone, tell your story and send it to us here as an .mp4 file attachment. If it fits our audience we’ll edit it for time and post it on our website or social media.
Click here to see some of our suggestions although you are not limited to them:
- Were you raised by a good male role model that helped you become a more successful man in life?
- Were you raised by a toxic male role model who casted a dark cloud over your life and you had to work hard to erase it and relearn for yourself?
- Were you served divorce papers that caught you off-guard and you had not plans for it? How did you get through it?
- Have you gone or are you still going through child custody court?
- Any stories of highs and lows with your father you like to share?
- Were you raised without a father and you want to show no matter how tough life gets, fathers should never abandoned their children?
- Were you raised with a narcissist mother? A narcissist father? Or both?
- What shaped you to be the father that you are today?
- Are you a father of a transgender or nonbinary child and wish to share your experience?
- Are a male victim of domestic violence and want to shed a light on this unspoken topic?
- Are you a male victim of sexual violence and wish to shed light on this extremely difficult topic?
- Do you feel like you have a hard time expressing your emotions so you resort to anger or even violence to release the pent-up pressure?
- Do you think there are areas in a man’s life that society has completely misunderstood?
- Do you feel useless if you are not performing and providing?
- Do you think/feel that as a father that you are the less important parent?
- Do you feel unappreciated by your wife and children?
- Why do you think no one likes to talk about men’s hardship in society?
- Do you feel that you have to constantly put up a front to get ahead and get respect at work? At home?
- Do you feel society doesn’t respect men who are not tall millionaires?
- Do you feel forgotten or left out?
- Are you a white man who feels you are not allowed to have problems?
- Are you an indigenous man who wants to share how America has forgotten you?
- Are you an immigrant and want to share your challenges in America as a man? Would you like to share your triumphs?
- Are you a black man who wants to share what it means to be you in America?
- Are you a veteran and want to share your story?
- Do you live outside the US and want to share what it means to live life as a man in your country? Culture?
- Where you raised in a cult and escaped? Will you share your story?
- Was your life affected negatively by a strict religious upbringing? Please share your story.
- Did you witness your father beat your mother growing up? Did he also over power you? Your siblings? Did you feel helpless?
- Do you struggle with mental health
- Have you ever contemplated or attempted suicide and want to tell us what drove you to the edge and what stopped you in your tracks?
- Has your life been affected by having to endure the loss of your buddies to suicide, to war or to violence?
- Are you a Latino and want to tell us what it means to be you in America?
- Would you like to share how your height has given people a false idea of something or someone you are not?
- Do you feel you have to be macho?
- Do you feel you have to act alpha?
- Are you an alpha who feels that the patriarchy’s portrayal of an obnoxious, over powering, controlling and domineering pseudo-alpha stereotype, has given a bad rap to real alphas?
- Do you think you’ll be judged if you were honest about your sexual proclivities with your wife or partner?
- Were you sexually assaulted by a family member and want to share your pain?